on the horizon
upcoming exhibition: Art for life chicago
live/silent auction Thursday, October 24th 2019
Venue one, west loop Chicago
Benefitting Diffa (Design Industries foundation fighting aids)
virtual studio tour:
Want to take a spin around the studio? Want to know what goes into making the paintings (and how often I smudge a canvas)? Updates on Instagram at @rachel_ahava .
do the reading - a studio blog
Research is a vital aspect of my studio practice. Almost every session in front of the easel is punctuated by forays into the jungle of the online art world. Strangely, the most fruitful finds are often only tangentially related to the original query. Once a week, I plan to post a couple of these web-based gems. Hopefully, my fellow creatives will see their utility (or at least use them to locate new and exciting rabbit-holes to chase).