Select Recent Exhibitions
Emergence: The 3rd Connect Residency Showcase at the Beverly Arts Center, Chicago, IL
The Everyday at Fulton Street Collective, Chicago, IL
61st Annual Mid-States Art Exhibition at the Evansville Museum, Evansville, IN
Our Choice at ARC Gallery & Educational Foundation, Chicago, IL
76th Annual Wabash Valley Exhibition at The Swope Museum, Terra Haute, IN
Art for life chicago 2019 at venue one, chicago
Show Me Your Neon at Gallery 1202, Gilroy, CA
Traversing the looking glass (online) at the vacant museum
Artists for Asylum, Chicago
The Plant Show at Ground Level Platform
Heirloom: Collect art to reunite immigrant families at ground floor gallery
Third-Shifters: art that comes alive at night at the martin, chicago
(solo show) rachel ahava rosenfeld at andersonville art week
Social media platforms
Instagram ( @rachel_ahava )
Artwork Archive (Rachel Ahava Rosenfeld-Dlatt)
Tumblr ( @LookThroughYourLashes )
TikTok ( @Rachel_Ahava )
See available paintings for sale through gallery 1202:
Useful Art Resources
Chicagoland and national artist information can be found on the Chicago Artist Coalition
Information about upcoming art events in Chicago can be found at The Visualist
Some of the best commentary on perceptual painting is published on Painting Perceptions
Other really stellar painting-focused writing and general art criticism can be found on Tilted Arc, The Finch, and The Brooklyn Rail
I am a huge proponent of listening to podcasts in the studio, particularly Bad at Sports and Zig Zag
Third-Shifters:art that comes alive at night
More information about the exhibition can be found at Third-Shifters
The Third-Shifters exhibition was generously hosted by Chicago’s newest woman-run project space, The Martin